Prices Per Person
All prices are per person / No split packages please
Each experience includes instruction, lane rental fee, ammunition, target, and loaner eye/ear protection
Shoot any Rifle, Pistol, or a 20RD Gatling Gun
Pistols 15 rounds, Rifles 10 rounds, Big bore and BP rifles 5 rounds
+$25 per gun
Pick a Machine Gun
Gatling Gun (40 rounds), WWII Thompson Full Auto, MP-5 9mm Full Auto, M-16 or M-4 Full Auto, or FN P-90 5.7mm Full Auto. (30 rounds per MG)
(not Gatling)
All full auto shooters must be 18 or above, NO EXCEPTIONS

Shoot a wwii browning 1919 belt fed mg
Extra 50 round belt
All full auto shooters must be 18 or above, NO EXCEPTIONS
Shoot our WWII gun package!
5 guns, all original WWII era firearms
15 rounds 1911 pistol
20 rounds M-1 carbine
25 rounds M-1 Garand
60 rounds 1928A1 Thompson (10 rd. mag and 50 rd. drum)
50 round belt 1919 Browning MG
and a CFE t-shirt!

new! Kid's menu
Pick a 22 caliber firearm
Age Limits: 8 to 11 - .22 caliber and Gatling Gun / 12 and above - all calibers, (subject to RSO approval).
$22 t-shirt
Shoot a Cody Firearms Experience T-Shirt. Great souvenir!
Spectator inside the Firearms Range
SOME FIREARMS ARE MODERN DAY REPRODUCTIONS. Prices subject to change without notice. Please call to confirm availability and pricing.
- 8 - 11: Gatling gun and .22 caliber
- 12 and above: All calibers*
*Must be 18 or older to shoot full auto
In order to protect your baby, PREGNANT WOMEN ARE NOT ALLOWED ON THE RANGE.