1862 Gatling Gun
There is no better way to unwind the History, Myth, and Power of the Gatling Gun than to turn the crank on one yourself.
Invented by Richard Gatling - the use of this weapon during the Civil War is often over-stated.
Mechanically, it bears little resemblance to modern machine guns.
Why does it hold such significance in Firearms History?
Of course - in our opinion - the only way to understand that is to experience it.

1862 Gatling Gun
There is no better way to unwind the History, Myth, and Power of the Gatling Gun than to turn the crank on one yourself.
Invented by Richard Gatling - the use of this weapon during the Civil War is often over-stated.
Mechanically, it bears little resemblance to modern machine guns.
Why does it hold such significance in Firearms History?
Of course - in our opinion - the only way to understand that is to experience it.