Cody Firearms Experience - From flintlock to full auto
Learn about the Civil War by shooting our reproduction Firearms, located in Cody Wyoming

Battle of Glorieta Pass

Confederate troops marched north out of Texas and into New Mexico. They were headed toward Colorado territory intending to take control not only of the region, but more important of the rich silver resources needed for funding their efforts in the Civil War. At Glorieta Pass outside Santa Fe, the Confederates met a stronger Union force in late March 1862. Some writers later called the battle the Gettysburg of the West.

Battle of Platte Ridge

The 11th Ohio Cavalry and the 11th Kansas Cavalry were stationed at posts along the road to Oregon-California in 1865, to protect the route and maintain the telegraph that linked the country. On July 25 the troops had a minor skirmish with American Indians from both the Lakota and Cheyenne tribes. Then on July 26, troops from Platte Bridge Station were lured out of the post and attacked by a large Indian force. Several troopers, including Lt. Caspar Collins, died in what became the Battle of Platte Bridge. Later in the day a wagon train under command of Sgt. Amos J. Custard, 11th Kansas Cavalry, heading east from near Independence Rock to Platte Bridge Station also came under attack. Two soldiers escaped, but the remainder died in the fight.